Friday, June 24, 2016

Game Night Saturday July 2nd

Game night is coming back!  Next Saturday!

The more astute among you will notice that particular Saturday almost the 4th of July.  That gives me a really dumb idea, and if there's anything I've learned in life, it's to ALWAYS BE 100% INVESTED IN DUMB IDEAS:  So the theme of this game night is "Almost American*".  We'll could have some deep dish pizza, which is pretty american except for the fact that it's actually italian.  We might finish that off with Neapolitan Ice  Cream for dessert, which is red white and blue, but of course it's French.  We might even play some football (The tackly kind), which one would THINK is truly american but it turns out is actually British.

*a.k.a. 'Murican?

Man, our country is apparently fond of culture plagiarism.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Game Night Tuesday June 21

Hey guys, you know what complaint I always hear about game night?*  I hear that "it's not silly enough" or "it's too thinky".  I hear that it should be "more raucous fun", and "we should get super smashed and high and maybe go joyriding around town".  Well look no further!  Game night is back again, now with 72.4% more silly!

*I've literally never heard any** of this feedback, but stay with me for the sake of the narrative, ok?
** Well, except the one about getting high***
*** Yes there are footnotes on my footnotes. What of it?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

THE PANIC ROOM -- Game night Saturday June 4

So, I haven't done one of these in ... quite a while.  But somebody reminded me that I should do them again, so I'm starting them back up again, this Saturday.

You may notice that this Saturday is very soon.  In 3 days, in fact.  Look at that short notice :)  Consider also that my place looks like a disaster area right now and I'm going to OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING THERE'S NO WAY I'M GOING TO HAVE THE PLACE CLEAN AND READY BY SATURDAY -- AND DEFINITELY WON'T BE ABLE TO COOK ANYTHING EITHER.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

So, the theme of this Game Night is (appropriately) "Panic!"  We're going to be playing a game called "Panic on Wall Street", which is a game I literally am *just* about to order and hasn't even shipped yet.  Will it be here in time?  Maybe!  Who knows?!

I'm not sure what food to pair with that, actually.  I thought it might be funny to get a survival ration kit from those crazy redneck apocalypse stores, but maybe that's a bit too much.  So here's my new plan:  I don't know yet what the food is going to be, other than "whatever I decide to cook at the last minute without really fully knowing the recipe or quite having all the ingredients".

So, normal times then.  Should be fun!  Hope to see you then :)

P.S.  Next game night should clearly be "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" themed, for continuity.