Friday, July 31, 2015

Last Minute Game Night -- Saturday Aug 1


So, first of all, I apologize for not sending this earlier.  I meant to, but then I forgot.  In the future, if you're ever curious what's going on, here's the schedule.  Cool, glad we got that behind us.


Now, here's the most important thing you can do right now -- go pull up this video in a separate tab.  Have it open in a the background while reading the rest of this post.  Maybe skip to about 45 seconds in, because that's when the good part starts:

Aw yeah, listen to that piece of 90s awesomeness.  That's right.  Game night this time around is wild wild west themed.  That could mean that everyone will show up in a ten gallon hat, toting pop cap guns!  (Or maybe even real guns!  This is Georgia!)  It could also mean that we're going to sit around a campfire and play harmonica.

It could mean any of those things, but it doesn't.  What it actually means is that I'm making "frontier" chili and "hoedown" fajitas and "excessive quotation" ranch dip.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Undigestible Themes and You -- Game Night Tuesday July 21st 8pm

Hey hey HEY.  It's that time again!  Game night is back for another rollicking good time, and you and all your friends are invited.  Except for that one friend you have that's a little strange.  Don't invite him/her.  That guy/gal isn't really welcome around these parts.

 ..... Aaaaaanyway, here's the theme tonight for those of you who are interested.  The food theme is going to be sushi, because I just learned how to make sushi, and I'm super excited about sushi.  Sushi is delicious, and you should all have more sushi -- at my sushi themed game night!  There will probably be some non-sushi option for all you non-fish lovers, but let's be honest: the sushi is the most important part of sushi night.

But that's not even the best part.  You guys ready for the best part?  After we're done eating sushi for realz, we can eat pretend to eat EVEN MORE SUSHI:

Boom.  Mic dropped.  Be there, or you'll be an uncultured dweeb -- just like Donny.

Vital details:
Location: My place!  3768 Peachtree Road
Date: Tuesday July 21, 2015
Time: Whenever you show up -- food will be ready about 8:00 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Surprise Guest Star! - Friday July 3

Hey guys, we got a surprise guest host this week!  .... "Guest host" sounds stupid.  "Guest star" maybe?  Let's go with that.